Minimal setup to Develop Ionic Hybrid Mobile Apps on Windows machine

There is a corporate training workshop targeting developers with Windows machine (Our team is using Mac to develop Ionic apps). However, we cannot find any available / recommended / centralized resources on the setting up Windows development for Ionic.

Tools List

Here is the setup list we shared with our trainees (tested on Windows 10):

Chrome - IE & Edge alternatives

ConEmu - Command Prompt alternatives

(we mainly use iTerm2 in Mac, that's why we are looking for Command Prompt with similar features)


Ionic & Cordova

Run the following commands in ConEmu (use npm to install the packages)

npm install -g ionic cordova
ionic signup
ionic login

Follow this guide to install the Android SDK and setup the correct environment variables if you are planning to build Android apps on your machine:

(We suggested the trainees to use Ionic Dev App for now)

GIT - Code version control

Here are some of the installation options we suggested:

  • Select Visual Studio Code as Git's default editor
  • Select Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt
  • Select Checkout as-is, commit Unit-style line endings
  • Select Use Windows' default console window
  • Select Enable symbolic links

Visual Studio Code - IDE

Other useful Visual Studio Code Extensions

Test Setup and Start New Project

Inside ConEmu, run the following to confirm if Ionic is setup correctly

ionic -v
ionic start test_ionic
cd test_ionic
ionic serve

If everything done correctly, you should be able to see an Ionic app up and running at http://localhost:8100